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WELCOME TO OUR - Rama Agrahari School of Nursing

Rama Agrahari School of Nursing has well built, superior & efficiently maintained infrastructure in RAMA NAGAR FATEHPUR _UP . In campus amenities & faculties for the students, teaching & administrate staff has been created in the college. An airy lecture room, well maintain labs & library possessing an array of wide ranging books, journals & periodicals. A Computer room with internet facility has been provided for all students.

Our Mission

We aim to shape the profession of nursing by developing nursing leaders in education, research and practice. We accomplish this through our outstanding baccalaureate, graduate and continuing education programs. To provide the opportunity to urban and rural students to be a part of growing health care services in the Country.
We will become a nationally recognized top Nursing school that develops nursing leaders for education, research and practice. Our faculty, staff and students jointly create a rich and vibrant community. We enhance the quality and efficiency of education, practice, and research by incorporating state-of -the-art technology. The vision of Rama Agrahari School of Nursing is to “form nurses who are committed to heal the society with passion”. To provide a nurturing environment that infuses qualitative education.


(ANM) Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery

Auxiliary Nurse Midwifery in Nursing is a two year undergraduate certificate-level course in Medical Nursing. Minimum Eligibility is 10+2 level pass any streem. Minimum age limit 17 year and no upper age limit.

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